After downloading, users can use the app to repost the photos and videos directly on their own Instagram account without using any other reposting app. Our Story Saver app also supports downloading many videos simultaneously, so time-saving and convenient! Besides being a photo and video downloader for Instagram, Story saver is also a repost app. Users can manage the downloaded files directly on the app and play these videos with the build-in app player. All contents will be retained the quality of the originals and saved to the device's gallery in seconds. We create the cool app to help users easily to save photos, videos, GIFs, and aminations from Instagram posts, stories, highlights, and TVs. Story Saver is a free photo and video downloader app for Instagram. It’s so inconvenient to Instagram fans! But don’t worry, Story Saver for Instagram will help you solve this problem. However, unlike other social media sites such as Facebook or Pinterest, Instagram does not provide a way for its users to save/ download the contents. There are millions of cool photos, videos, and stories posted daily on this social network, and this has turned it into a huge online stock of videos and images. Instagram is among the leading social networking platforms in the world with above 1 billion monthly active users.